Tyler's Birthday

This cutie turned five! I can't believe my baby is that old. We celebrated with cake on his birthday, Tuesday December 16, 2014. He'd been counting down the days to his birthday a month prior. Needless to say he was VERY excited when Tuesday the 16th rolled around. 

Tyler is big into Transformers and Rescue Bots so he asked for a Transformers cake. He was thrilled with how it came out. Me too actually. For not planning on putting in a lot of effort it really did come together pretty easy!!

Tyler is my biggest cake eater. He doesn't get it from me! 

Aaahhhh Rescue Bots. Happy kid!

On Saturday we went out to dinner to Bob's Burgers and Brew (not that we enjoy the brew but the food we do!) to celebrate Tyler's, Bel's, and Jaime's birthdays. 

Then went back to our house to watch the three of them open their gifts. 

I still remember Tyler like this like it was yesterday. I've shown him how he had those little wrinkles on his forehead and I loved to kiss them. He says now those wrinkles are gone from his forehead but are between his eyebrows when he furrows his brow. Hahaha and the look on his face when he furrows his brow for me to see them is priceless. And yes, I had to kiss his "wrinkly" brow when he did that. 

Happy birthday you happy, energetic, lovable, and cuddly little boy of mine whom I actually wish wasn't five yet. I love you Tyler. 


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