Counting down till Christmas

I made my advent calendar last year. I still love it just as much as I did when I finished it. The kids really enjoy it. Each day someone takes a turn to flip over the number, reveal the scripture to be read for the day, and then hang up the picture. It's a fun way to get our family scripture reading in. After we read the scripture we kneel to have family prayer. 

Christmas Sunday! My babies did a wonderful job singing in the sacrament meeting Christmas Program. They all stood next to each other so it was easy to watch them all sing. It really is one of my favorite things to listen to. 

I made these tickets for the kids to board our minivan to head out to see Christmas lights. 

I made the mistake of saying lets get on the train and all aboard. Tyler kept asking when we would get to the train. I kept telling him our car was a pretend train. There wasn't a real train. Yeah, that didn't work so well. He was very unhappy.

But when we made it to the Senske "dancing" light show Tyler forgot about the train and was happy to see the lights dancing to the music.

They had a new song…can you guess? Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? :) The Snowman inflates during the song the deflates when it ends. My kids thought it should stay up the entire time. They were sad to see it go down. Other than Tyler being disappointed there wasn't a real train, we had a good time and enjoyed doing something festive as a family.


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