Baby Shower

I put on a baby shower for Janica Harris, a sister I visit teach. She's such a sweet friend. She reminds me a lot of my friend Tiffany Wise who still lives in Sunnyside. 
This shower was for Janica's first baby girl (second child) Malia. She's a doll!

I was grateful for friends who wanted to help put on the shower with me. Lynne did cupcakes and Ranae did games and drink. I got all the food for the yogurt and fruit parfaits. All the ladies loved them! I mean, who doesn't like fresh fruit. :) I ended up buying way more than I needed but my family had no trouble finishing off the food over the next week. It was delicious!

It was a simple shower but a lot of fun. I didn't want something that would make me super stressed. I used decor I already had and simple white dishes which actually made everything look dressed up. Simple, low stress, good time for everyone who came. That's how I like it. :)


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