Getting Out

It's Spring! We're definitely out and about more now that it's warming up. There's sports going on and programs we're attending. 

On the first day of Spring Dairy Queen gives out free ice cream cones!

While we were there Uncle Dick texted me asking if we'd like to meet them at 7:30 at DQ. I texted him saying we were already there so he asked if it was alright they come then to visit with us. I said sure! The kids and I moved to a large booth and visited with Uncle Dick and Corinne while enjoying our yummy free ice cream cones. I felt bad Jaime missed the free ice cream again. Last year he wasn't able to go with us because he had a late night meeting just like this night. Maybe next year!

Lindsey is in the 7th grade choir

And the treble choir.
I really enjoyed this music concert. They had some fun songs that made you feel like dancing. Lindsey is really enjoying choir. I'm so glad. I loved being in choir. The older you get the better it is too. Kids take it more seriously and you get in to more advanced, fun songs. 

Aidan is really enjoying lacrosse. I don't like sitting in the rain during some practices. Aidan is on the K-2 team. Next year he will be on the 3-4 team. He's the size of the kinder and first graders on his team this year! It's not a contact sport at this age but it'll start next year. I do worry about that. Aidan isn't that aggressive but he's stepping it up when they have drills of trying to steal the ball and keeping the ball away from the opponent. Aidan's the shorter one on the left. LOL

Now that it's getting warmer we will be out more for lacrosse games, tennis matches, and Tyler's baseball once that starts after Spring Break. Olivia is doing volleyball after school on Thursdays and Fridays but it's more of a camp to help them learn to play. All for fun. So I don't get to go watch volleyball games. It's been crazy enough with Aidan and Lindsey's sports and trying to get to Lindsey's choir stuff all in the same evening! Not sure how I'm going to do once Tyler starts baseball. Jaime is still at work when all this has to get started so I'm running around like crazy it seems. I don't know how families do this year round. It's really tough. Worth it? I sure hope so! ;)


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