Studious Students!

All the kids had GREAT teacher conferences. Lindsey had all As and a B+ in Algebra, Olivia, Aidan, and Tyler don't get letter grades yet but they all had good marks in their areas of learning. Not one teacher had anything negative to say. 
So Jaime and I took the kids to Viera's Bakery to pick out some donuts. I hope they'll always have a desire to do well in school, not be afraid to get extra help if something isn't quite clear for them, and continue on to get a degree. 

When March comes, here comes March Madness! The kids asked when March Madness was as soon as March was here. Now is the time to fill in our brackets. I did a bracket with my own little family and then did a different in a set up that my brother Brian put together. 

It's fun that every single one of the kids gets in to it. It also makes it fun to watch the games. They get in to the game watching and learn how the games go at the same time. 


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