Recent Events

Spring is here! I was out working in the yard, trimming back dead plants to make room for the new growth to come through. Tyler was the only one who came out to help me. He was so cute rolling out the dumpster all by himself. I didn't even need to ask him to go get it. I just heard him rolling it over. 

My stud muffin! Aidan got his new glasses. He thinks they're awesome. When he first got them he kept looking at things over the rim of the glasses, then looking through the glass and comparing how much clearer everything is for him. I don't think he will be my last kid in glasses. I think Olivia needs them too. I need to get her in for an eye exam. 

I took the girls to watch the new Beauty and the Beast movie. We went with Christensens and Daws. 

It was a mother/daughter night out. We even went to the new theater with the reserved, reclining seats and tables.
Pictured: Emily, Olivia, Naomi, Lindsey, Daphne


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