Betty Jean

Our dear sweet friend Betty Jean Salsbury passed away March 1st. She'd been fighting the cancer again that came back. She was always in such good spirits in spite of being so exhausted all the time. I had the blessing of going to visit her often in her home and then one last time in the hospital. After I saw her in the hospital she passed away at home 2 days later surrounded with family. 

She and her husband Gary were wonderful primary teachers to both Aidan and Tyler. They loved to go up to her after sacrament meeting and give her hugs. 

She loved family and was so grateful for the blessing of eternals families that she had her entire funeral based around Heavenly Fathers plan of happiness. She had her entire funeral planned out a couple months ago. She loves Aidan and Tyler so much that she wanted them to sing at her funeral along with the rest of our family. She asked me if we'd sing "Families Can Be Together Forever." Even Jaime agreed to sing even though he doesn't sing. :) The rest of my family was able to make it through the song but at the end of course I could't keep the tears in and had to stop singing. 

After the funeral, as the pallbearers took the casket back up the aisle and passed our bench, Aidan and Tyler both started crying. Seeing it go by made it all the more real to them I think. I just melted my heart seeing them so sad and missing her so. 

I had many people come up saying they were so touched by the boys' love for her and her love for them. I guess she talked about Aidan and Tyler to her family and friends all the time. One teacher who knew Jaime and the Salsburys separately didn't know who these boys were she would always talk about until she saw them singing with Jaime at the funeral. She had no idea it was Jaime's boys that Betty Jean loved so much. 

Betty Jean had 11 children, including three sets of twins! Now you can see why she loved the children of our ward so much. Children have a special spot in her heart. And she had a tender spot just for my boys which I love her dearly for. I miss seeing her at church and visiting with her in Relief Society but I'm so grateful for her testimony of eternal families. I'm glad she only had months apart from Gary. I can only pray that Jaime and I will live such a wonderfully long life together and when we do leave this mortal existence that it won't be too long till the other goes also. 


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