Day to Day

I love walking past the boys' room seeing them reading. They were in here for about an hour just reading! Sometimes they were both reading to them selves and sometimes Aidan was reading to Tyler. 

For a joint YM/YW activity the youth did a potato derby. Lindsey did pretty well! She decorated hers with her favorite number, 18, and then the breast cancer ribbon saying fight, fight. We had just had a scare because Bel found a lump under her armpit. I was with her when her oncologist felt it and said it needed to be checked out. The radiologist checked it out. We didn't get the best answer, keep an eye on it. It's not solid, just fluid. But it's not a tumor. So that was on Lindsey's mind that evening of mutual. She felt pretty good putting up a good fighting spud to win 4th place. :)

I went to the boys' school for their Dr Seuss day to read with them. Ainzlee, the girl down the road who walks to the bus with them in the mornings, was reading to Aidan when I got there so the four of us went to sit in the Library to read with them. I didn't understand most of their stories as they read them in Spanish but I am always impressed with how well they read and speak it. 


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