Cinco De Mayo Party!

Bel had been planning to have a Cinco de Mayo party with the kids and grandma. It's not May but it was a weekend that worked well to be able to have the kids over night at Diana's. 

They played Mexican bingo, and fun drink cups

candy and mini maracas. I adore that Jaime's family loves these kids so much and makes time to do special things like this with them. 
The kids stayed the whole weekend with Marty and Diana. Jaime and I had a dinner Friday night with my new presidency members and their husbands so we could all get to know each other. I was recently called to serve in the Stake Primary Presidency as the secretary. I'm really liking the sisters I get to work with. On a side note, I like not having to do the weekly newsletter to email to the sisters of the ward every Sunday night. Hahaha

Sunday I attended a ward conference in Basin City. Part of my calling is to go to all the ward conferences in our stake and check out the primaries and give trainings. Since the kids weren't home Jaime came out with me. Sunday afternoon we went to pick up the kids and then headed to my parents for our monthly family dinner. At the dinner Elizabeth and John announced that they are expecting their first baby! We're all so excited for them. 


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