Near Impossible

On February 24th Lindsey and Olivia were spending the night at their Aunt Bel's house. Jaime and I were having a quiet evening visiting with one another on the couch, Aidan and Tyler were playing great together. And then they tell us that Tyler got a toy, a Stik Bot, stuck up in the entryway chandelier. Ugh! We spent an hour trying to get that thing out. It's over 16 feet up that no ladder would reach it. We tried wrapping tape around a fan duster (in the picture) to see if I could stick it to the toy and pull it out. It didn't work. :( So we just left it, and left it, for weeks. 

A month actually! Finally we were able to get it out with some help after we celebrated Lindsey's birthday. Marty, Dad, and Marcus held the ladder, as it was standing on a stair and a stool. From the second floor I used a pole to push the chandelier closer to Jaime. Reaching behind him, fearing for the height he was at, but he was able to reach it! I can turn the light back on and not worry about melting a toy up there. Crazy but kind of a fun story to tell. 

Here's the toy that caused all the hassle!


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