Day Camp June 22-24, 2017

This year was my first Cub Scout Day Camp and Aidan's as well. I lot of work sure goes in to these three days. I'm glad it's over! In a good work paid off kind of way. ;)

The theme "Wild Wild West"

The water races

They learned about real indian artifacts during the lunch time show. 

Panning for gold. The gold they found they got to put in little glass jars with a cork so they could take their gold home.

Leather working.

A real black smith. He's called a ferrier. He makes horse shoes and puts them on horses. This was another lunchtime show. It was as interesting for all the adults as well as the boys. 

"Worms in the mud"

Aidan and Noah with their dirt pudding and worms. Aidan enjoyed making the pudding and crushing the cookies and putting the worms in however, he didn't want to eat it. hahah which I find funny because he loves Oreo cookies and chocolate pudding. It's the putting it together part that I'm sure he doesn't like. I have a hard time eating that dessert as well. :D

First aid. Aidan had a broken arm for the example. 


Aidan enjoyed his many new experiences. 

I couldn't believe how awesome this station was. Outdoor cooking. They made oatmeal in tin cans, rolls cooked on a stick then buttered and sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and then they warmed up slices of ham on hot rocks. I think it may have been one of the favorite stations for most boys. I mean, it's food! 

Woodworking. They built a tool box. Little boys with hammers and tiny nails...not the best combination. It took many adults and teenager helpers to get every project done. 

BB Guns! Aidan was a pretty good shot for his first time shooting. 

Aidan's target!

Saturday was the day the Dad's from our ward went to be walking leaders and help the boys. I laughed as I walked around to the shooting range and saw all the boys down on the grass shooting their targets. Then at the far end of the line of boys was three larger boys. They had no idea I took this photo. I shared it on our Relief Society Facebook page for the mom's to see. I mean, the big boys need their fun at Day Camp too right? ;)

During closing ceremonies on Saturday a Pony Express rider came riding in to deliver some mail to each of the boys. 

All the parents wrote letters to their scout. Aidan was so cute reading his. I kind of got in to the whole theme and burned the edges of the letter to antique it. He noticed. :)

After three long days of Day Camp, I enjoyed being a part of it and helping to set up and take down every day but I'm glad it's done. And before I know it we will be planning the Day Camp for 2018.


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