Go Mariners!

A few weeks back Lori had asked Jaime and I if we'd like to go to a Mariner game with them. We thought it'd be fun so we looked at the best date we could all go. I think because we had such a good time together going to Crescent City over Spring Break that we wanted to get together again. On Friday June 2 Jaime got off work early and I pulled the kids out of school early. We dropped them off at Mom's then got in the car with Lori and Stuart and headed on our way to Seattle. The drive over was much longer because of road work. Because it took longer to get there we drove straight to the stadium. I didn't mind. It gave us plenty of time to walk around and check things out. It was the first time both Lori and I had ever been there and many years since Stuart had been there.

Welcome to Safeco Field!!

I remember when Dave Niehaus died. Jaime was pretty sad about it. I didn't even know who he was but obviously he was a big name in the sporting world. I think Jaime could be a good sports analyst and talk it up with many of these guys on sporting channels. 

I really like this picture. It turned out great.

It was such a fun evening!

It was perfect weather to be out in a evening game on a double date. 

I had a lot of fun walking around with Lori, talking and laughing a lot. 

The ambiance around the game is what makes it all so fun. The music, the cheers, getting the entire stadium to do the wave all the way around. That was pretty cool :)

Robinson and Griffey retired numbers. I remember watching on TV when they retired Griffey's number. Jaime had attempted to get tickets to the game. It was kind of my fault he didn't get them. I was hosting Lindsey's 12th birthday party for Lindsey and her friends. Jaime was on the computer in the other room. No big deal. I was taking care of the girls, getting the cake out and then we started to sing Happy Birthday to Lindsey. Jaime heard us so he came in to sing. I didn't know he was trying to buy tickets to the Mariner game. When we finished and he went back to purchase the tickets he'd had in his cart they were already sold. Then he couldn't get anymore. He was so bummed. I felt really bad. I wouldn't have thought anything of it if he hadn't come in to sing Happy Birthday and then he'd have been able to get the tickets. Sorry babe. But watching it on Jaime's new TV made you feel like you were really there anyway and had a much better view! ;)

Lori, you're one of my best friends. Thank you so much for treating us to such a fun weekend!!! It really was a blast and something I'd be up for again. 

It turned out to be a really good game. I'm so glad they won! It made it that much better to enjoy. 

There's the score. Seattle 12 Tampa Bay 4

15 minutes after the game ended all the lights in the stadium went dark and the firework show started. I loved it!

On the field below they had flames and other fireworks shooting up as well but I didn't get pictures of those. 

Fireworks fall. This was neat. Also on the screens around the stadium they would show flames, or flashes of different colors to go with the fireworks and the music. The music was of rock bands from the Seattle area. It made for some pretty sweet sounds during the fireworks. 

By the time we got out of the stadium and redirected through almost every street getting away from the stadium it was close to midnight when we checked in to our hotel. It was nice that we didn't plan to drive home after the game! 


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