Happy Father's Day!

The primary chorister asked some Dad's to help in singing time.

Jaime, Dave Taylor, Tyler Harris, Jeremy Meredith
Looks like Dave was guessed first. :)

The kids had a lot of fun guessing the dads. What a bunch of good sports. 

Jaime in the horse mask. hahaha

We spent Father's Day at Uncle Ruben's this year. All Jaime's relatives on the Morales side come for lunch. 
Jaime and lil Ruben grilled up some burgers. 

I was so excited to see my hydrangeas looking so blue and purplish that I needed to take a picture of them. 

I don't seem to grow things very well. I have a very brown thumb so when I have something growing longer than a few months after I planted it it's a big deal!! 


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