Christmas Adam

We celebrated Christmas Adam with the Taylor and Edler families. 

We had angel food cake with fruit and whipped cream. 

It was so good. 

Lots of kids, lots of talking and laughing. :)

After dessert we had a gift exchange. Everyone made a homemade gift. I think it's a fun tradition. One of the best parts is seeing everyone's homemade gifts! Seeing their creativity. Everyone had a good time. Taylors are like us...any excuse to be with friends. We love getting together with them. This was the first time we've done anything with the Edlers but I'm so glad they came! They're a lot of fun. After gifts the kids played together while the adults sat around the table and played games. It was a good evening and I'm excited to do it again next year. I'm not sure who we will invite for next year. I like the idea of doing it with different people each time. Last year we celebrated Christmas Adam with Andersons. I think Christmas Adam could be a fun tradition for our family every year. 



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