Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas Eve with Jaime's family. Most years we do Christmas Eve with my family and his but this year we felt it'd just be easier time-wise to pick one house to go to. We like to have the tradition of having tamales for dinner on Christmas Even. :) They were delicious. After dinner we played games. 

Some played Dungeons and Dragons

And some played Seaside-opoly. Monopoly but with a twist of all things from Seaside Oregon. Kind of a small twist to the game. we had a good time. Monopoly is still a long game, even if they rename it Seaside-opoly lo. 

Mario kart races on the switch

And we couldn't go without a round or two of dancing to the game Just Dance.

The kids love to have fun with Aunt Bel. I love how she's always so happy, upbeat and positive around the kids. She's so good to my kids. She would have been a great mother but she's an incredible aunt and I feel so blessed to have her as my sister through marriage. 

The kids played their Christmas songs for everyone before we opened gifts.  

The first gifts we opened up...Christmas jammies! They're so excited to open them and then hurry to put them on before opening anything else. 

I bought the pj pants and then plain black t-shirts. Elizabeth created the design on the shirts for me. "There's snow place like home"
I wanted that for Lindsey because next fall she will be at college and now she will have cozy jammies to wear and remember how much she loves home and home loves her. :)

Unwrapping time! Now that the boys are older they're so good to sit and wait their turn to open gifts. They way everyone can see what everyone opens. 

Besties right here. They have to sit next to each other and show each other their gifts. Seriously, how did I get so lucky to have such amazing girls who love being sisters and even better, are best friends?!

We always enjoy our time at Grandma and Grandpa Morales's house on Christmas Eve. It's hard to go but the 45 minute drive makes it so we get home so much later. And the later we get home, the later it is that Santa comes. 



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