Winter Ball 2021

Even though Jaime was exhausted from traveling home from Dallas he still made it to so many other things on Saturday. Tyler and Olivia's piano recital, the ward Christmas party, and then he had to go to the school to chaperone winter ball. He asked me to come and keep him company. 

I came late because I stayed for the entire ward Christmas party, then baked a cake for Tyler's birthday, and then changed and headed to the school. I enjoyed getting to see and meet people Jaime works with and lets face it, I don't get to dress up much so it was kinda fun to be able to do that last night. 

The photo booth was fun. The high schoolers would walk up and cut us in line because they thought we were just there to chaperone. But we didn't say anything until a girl asked us if we were in line. hahaha We said yes then walked into the booth. They thought it was weird we went in for pics but hey, we needed a little fun that night. Walking around in a dark gym with loud music wasn't exactly fun. However, it was fun seeing Lindsey out on the floor dancing some of the dances she learned from being in quinceaneras. 

I got to see the state softball championship trophies on display. 

Lindsey hadn't seen it yet so it was fun to see hers and Lily's excitement. 

Lindsey was so cute to come around us every now and then to talk to us and offer to take our pictures. I feel blessed to have the kids I have. They're never embarrassed to have their parents around. Not sure many kids would go talk to their parents while they're chaperoning your high school dance. 



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