Christmas is Here!

Christmas morning the kids came in to our room and woke us about 6:20. The girls set their alarm to get up at 6am. They wake the boys and then they all go see what Santa brought them before they come and wake Jaime and me. Like usual, our kids made out pretty well. Lindsey and Olivia got Nike Air Force shoes and lotions from Bath and Body Works, Aidan got an Apple Watch that he can text and make phone calls on. Good idea Santa ;) we weren't ready for Aidan to have a phone with a screen that could possibly be lost or whatever else. Tyler got a Nintendo Switch light to play Nintendo games on the go. Jaime got two pairs of dress shoes and a yummy smelling lotion that I find extra nice. :) I got a new cordless Dyson replace my other one that doesn't stay charged for longer than a minute or two now. I'm excited to have another. 

I didn't get any pictures of our family on Christmas morning opening gifts!! Can't believe it. But I at least know that I was present and there with my family having a good time seeing the excitement on their faces as they opened gifts. This year Lindsey bought gifts for everyone with her own money now that she's working two jobs. She put in a lot of thought to her gift giving. The kids felt so special that she wanted to buy them things. Even better, Lindsey was so excited for Christmas morning, not so she could open gifts, but so she could see her family members open gifts from her. She told me she now understands the excitement of giving and how I tell her I feel when I'm excited to give gifts I know they'll like. 

This cookie jar is one of the gift Lindsey gave to Jaime and I. 

She knows we like the show Friends so when she saw this she said she just HAD to get it for us. It was so cute of her. She also got me a gift set of body wash, lotion, and body spray from bath and body works, movies and an Apple gift card for Jaime, books to help complete the boys book series of The Bad Guy/Los Tipos Malos, and a book of poems that Liv and seen and really wanted. Lindsey did such a great job getting gifts for her family. 

I did however, get a picture of my omelette! I really like this tradition that we got from Jaime's family. Marty makes omelettes every Christmas morning. Jaime has gladly taken the roll to doing the same. :)

After everyone got dressed and ready we headed to Grandview to have Christmas dinner with at Grandma and Grandpa Naylor's. Elizabeth and Lori's families were there as well. Mom made a delicious turkey dinner with all the traditional side dishes. 

After dinner was cleaned up everyone gathered in the living room for the next round of opening gifts. 

I love how dad stays by the tree and passes everyones gifts out one by one so we can see what everyone gets. It's fun to see what their cousins and aunts and uncles get too. 

We played a few games and visited, while Jaime helped my dad set up the new router he got for Christmas and set up mom's new iPhone. When that was all done we went back to Grandma and Grandpa Morales' house to have tamales for dinner then we headed on home. The kids like to get back to their new things sooner. 

Lindsey was given a piece of furniture from Jaime and I. It worked out that my parents gave her a tool set! Olivia took command and she and Lindsey got to working on putting this cabinet together. 

They did a really good job. I liked sitting and watching them interact and work together. :) It wasn't until the very end that they needed a little assistance and Jaime stepped in to get the project done. 
So what was the piece? 

A stand for her record player and vinyls! She was really excited to have a better place to organize her things. I asked her if it was a weird gift to get. She said no way! She thought it was perfect. Phew! I'm so glad. :) 
My mom did give me a good compliment when I was there today. She said that I'm like my dad, I like give thoughtful gifts. I could see where she saw that. I got Lindsey and Olivia matching necklaces that have a picture of the two of them inside of it. Mom thought that was real neat. This cabinet is like that too, kind of. It's something that I knew Lindsey would be able to use and enjoy and wouldn't buy on her own. Like the bracelets. My dad does that with jewelry or other things that he's bought mom. So yeah, it felt good to hear mom say that about me. I do try to give gifts that can have some meaning. Not all are like that because they can just be something the gift receiver has asked for but there are times I can get creative and give a nice gift. Oh like I did for Jaime's birthday! I found him cup holder extenders for his truck so that his Hydroflask water bottle will fit in a cup holder and not roll around the car. To go along with the automotive theme I also got him a car wash membership. Now he can keep his new truck clean. :)


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