Tiny House Building

 They're not gingerbread houses. Or graham cracker houses. This year the kids made houses out of pop tarts. Hey, they're already frosted! 

It didn't take long till the kids were off and building their creations. 

Lindsey's house is adorable. 

Olivia built a house along with a little outbuilding on the side. 

Jaime and I worked together and made a simple but cute house. :)

I worked with Tyler on his house too. He did a great job! I think it's super cute. 

Aidan got his walls and roof up. Then he lost interest lol. We were watching 8 Bit Christmas while we worked on the houses. The movie was more interesting for Aidan. He didn't have the desire to work on gluing candies. He preferred to watch the movie. Which was totally fine since we were all together just enjoying the evening. 


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