Tyler's 12th Birthday Party

The day is finally here. Thursday December 16...Tyler turns 12! He  had his favorite breakfast, dipping eggs on toast. 

Before Jaime left for work we let Tyler open his last gift from us. 

He loves dinosaurs still! He has a good imagination and will play with Dinos as well as read up on them and even playing interactive games on the iPad. 

Friday was a short day of school because it's the last day before winter break. The early release made it so much easier to be able to get Tyler and his friends in to a laser tag facility in the afternoon. 

They all had such a good time playing and celebrating Tyler. 

I thought it was cute Lindsey and Olivia came to play with the boys. Everyone had so much fun. The boys were all so good. After cupcakes and gifts I bought them all to our house where they all played Smash Bros. on the Nintendo Switch for a while before they all had to go home. Tyler was very thankful I set up a fun birthday for him. 

We do large/more expensive birthday parties for our kids when they turn 8, 12, and 16.  Because of the covid pandemic we will be doing a big party for each of our kids within a years time. Lindsey's "16" party  1920's speakeasy theme murder mystery dinner on her 17th bday in March 2021, Aidan's "12" party with a large group of friends going to an escape room on his 13th bday in September 2021, Tyler's 12th bday party going to play laser tag in December 2021, and Olivia's 16th bday party in February 2022. Time for me to start finding out what Olivia would like to do for her Sweet 16. :)



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