Lindsey received this text message today! She's been accepted to BYU-Idaho. We're all so excited for her. She's still waiting to hear from BYU but of she doesn't get in there I will secretly be excited she didn't. :) If she gets accepted to BYU I know she will want to go there. With the pandemic causing schools and colleges to to all do zoom classes it really effected Lindsey's grades at CBC. I'm not sure they'll be good enough to get her in to BYU. But her ACT scores are good and maybe other students struggled the way Lindsey did with zoom courses and that'll be taken in to account for accepting students to BYU. Who knows. In the mean time...I'm just so excited she gets to go to BYUI!!
THREE Years?!?!?!
On Wednesday September 3rd, 2008 I was at my Mom's house. I started having small contractions that kept getting more frequent. When I would be talking to my mom and have to stop just to breathe we decided that I was in labor and would probably be going to the hospital that night rather than the next morning for my scheduled induction. We had dinner there and after dinner I told Jaime to go ahead and go to mutual as he was in the Young Men's presidency. I wasn't in enough pain and didn't want to go to the hospital too early. Lindsey and Olivia would stay the night since they were going to anyway so Jaime and I could just get up Thursday morning and head to the hospital to be induced into labor. We got the girls in to bed and I said good bye. My brother Darin was home and he drove me to the hospital at 8:30 p.m. I sent Jaime a message I was going and he and my dad (our ward's bishop) would meet me there. I got checked in by 9 p.m. and the nurse checked me and said I...
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