Down Time, Fun Time, Beach Time

You can never spend too much time at the beach in Hawaii. 

Everyone had so much fun being out swimming and laying on the sand. 

When it was time to be at the house to make meals there was time to get in the pool. 

We spent the evenings talking and laughing so hard. 

Olivia was sitting in between Grandma Morales and Aunt Bel and they were laughing about silly things they do when they're so clumsy. I told Olivia...Bel is you in 20 years and Grandma is you in 40 years. Everyone busted up laughing. The funny part is... Olivia could see it too! haha

Grandpa took on Tyler at foosball. 
I love trips like this. Where we have some activities and places planned to go, but then also have enough time to relax and have some free time. It's these times that we laugh the hardest. 



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