Laie Hawaii Temple

We went to the temple with the kids this morning. 

I like giving them the opportunity to do temple work in other temples. Seeing the beauty of the temples in different areas but also seeing the work is the same. 

The visitor's center was closed so we just spent some time walking the grounds. 

My little Hawaiian girl. 

Temples are so beautiful. The grounds are always so peaceful to walk on. 

After going to the temple we stopped to see Aunt Mel so Jaime could help her with her computer. She's being living here this past year with her son Jon helping to take care of his 8 kids during the divorce. Mel is a saint! It was good to lift her spirits and give her some time to talk with Jaime and I while our kids went and played with Jon's kids. And Jaime is always an angel helping with computer and tech issues. I know Aunt Mel was so grateful for his help. 


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