Pillbox Hike

We hiked the Kailua Pillbox

There were some pretty steep climbs, which I enjoy. 

Diana stayed back with Liandrew but everyone else made the climb. 

Getting higher! The views of the ocean are so beautiful. 

The pillbox is pretty much a war bunker. 

Tyler climbed down inside. 

With Aidan. 

The tippy top!

We've got some karate masters among us!

Best friends. Lindsey was not going to miss this trip! She had to miss the family reunion to be able to go on this trip. Gotta make that money for school!

We're all together. My kids are my best friends. I love when we're all together. And being that it's not all the time now I know to cherish it when we are together. 

The entire hiking crew. 

Marty and his kids. I love this. 

Chris and Bel

My hubby. He really will do anything for me. Heights is not his thing but I can't tell you how many times he's been up somewhere high just for me. 

This is quite the fort. Just imagine the fun these kids could have had when they were younger playing around here. 

Sun, ocean, palm trees 💚



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