Pearl Harbor

Today we made it out to Pearl Harbor. It wasn't on Olivia's things to do on this trip but I couldn't bring all our kids to Hawaii and not go to Pearl Harbor. Lindsey and Aidan knew they wanted to go but Olivia and Tyler didn't really care if they went or not. But after we were here, and walking around reading the history of it they were enthralled. 

I'm still amazed that this ship still lies under the water and the stack is tall enough to stand out of the water. 

It is a very reverent place. I'm glad they got to experience it. I loved coming here when I was in high school. I wanted my kids to see it as well. See the names of the men who were buried here later is pretty humbling. They survived the Pearl Harbor attack but wanted to be buried in the watery grave with their comrades. 

Olivia and Tyler said they were glad they came. I'm so glad because it's Olivia's senior trip choice and I didn't want her to feel like this was a boring waste of time. 

Lindsey loves WWII history and felt so grateful to be here. Sweetheart gets teary eyed just thinking about what happened here. 

I'm grateful for the men and women who do fight for our country. I'm grateful for the country that I've been blessed to live in. I haven't traveled the world, but I've been to multiple countries and every time I go, sure there's lot to see that is neat, but it makes me see that living in the United States of America really is a blessing. 



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