Polynesian Cultural Center

We drove by the Chinaman's Hat island on our way to the PCC. 

I was so excited to bring my family here!

We loved going from Island to Island learning about the different cultures on Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, Samoa, and so many other islands. 

Tattoos from Fiji for everyone!

feeding the fish

We went for a boat ride from Fiji down to Samoa. 

The kids made fish from leaves on Samoa.

I loved being here with all my kids!

My girls!

Bel and Chris are so sweet to take our kids on their senior trips. 

They have such a unique relationship with all our kids. 

Olivia and Liandrew.

One of Olivia's Hawaii Bucket List items was to get a drink out of a coconut. Check!

We went to the Luau for dinner. 

We spent the entire day here. Shopping and the stores and food trucks before the center opened and then going from island to island learning fun facts and seeing great shows performed. The day went so fast because there's so much to see and do. Fun games and activities. We ended the evening by watching the Breath of Life show that ties dances in from all the islands. The fire throwing dancers are amazing. I didn't take photos of everything but hopefully I have enough here to help job my kids memories that they'll be able to remember some as they get older. 
This is what I wanted to do most with everyone on this trip and I'm so glad everyone loved it. 



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