Lindsey's Bridal Shower

As soon as we got back from Hawaii we helped Olivia get the bridal shower going. Bel was so sweet to help out and buy things for the shower for Olivia. Olivia made the theme in true Lindsey form - a beach theme. 

She was adorned with a cute dainty seashell crown and "Bride" sash. Paired with her white bride's dress that she plans to wear after the reception and she looks like she's about to walk down the aisle at a beach wedding. She's just glowing!

Olivia is such a good maid of honor. My girls are so cute together. Such a good friendship. I love their relationship. 

We had a lot of friends and family come to celebrate Lindsey. 

Macy, Lindsey, Marci, Dawn

Carissa and Janie

Amy, Taja, Kindra, and Grandma Morales

Elizabeth and Lori


Elizabeth and Penny

Suzie, Elena, and Bel

She got some great gifts. 

Lindsey and Grandma Marcia
Hard to believe in a month Lindsey will be married! I've enjoyed sharing the excitement with her. Getting things ready and planning. 



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