We took off the roof of the Jeep and headed to the airport to pick up Olivia! She's here for the 4th of July and then the family reunion. She and Koda were both ecstatic to see each other. It was so cute. He wanted to jump out of the Jeep when he saw her. 

Rooftop fireworks watching!

So happy to have her here. Koda likes to stay by her side. 

I can't blame him though. I've wanted to be in the same room as her since she's been here! She's got work to do before we go to the coast for our family reunion. Getting things planned for Lindsey's bridal shower! This month will go fast. We have a week at the coast for the Naylor family reunion. Then a week in between where Olivia will go back to work in Vegas. Then we have a week in Hawaii with the Morales family. It's basically a Morales reunion but we're going to Hawaii because that's where Olivia wanted to go for her senior trip. 

She made such a cute invite!!

After we get back from Hawaii we have Lindsey's bridal shower and then the next day Liv flies back to Vegas! Then August is here and it'll be full steam ahead getting things buttoned down for Lindsey's wedding! This summer is going to fly by. 



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