Mammoth Dig Field Trip
Field trip number 2 was the day after Tyler's. Friday I rode with some other mom's out to the Mammoth Dig site here in Tri-cities. I had no idea there was a 4,399 year old Columbian Mammoth fossil being dug up right here in our area. It was only a 30 minute drive (following the bus) to get there.
Everyone had to walk down the hill on the zig zag trail down to the dig.

We were shown how they sift through the dirt and search for pieces of bone, rock, animal fossils.

We were shown different things they had found. Any granite that they have found isn't from here. It came in icebergs from the Spokane area that floated here during a large flood.

We were shown different layers of earth in the hillside. We could see different flood lines.

The mammoth fossils. They still have a lot to dig up...if it's all there. These are the humerus bones and the scapula (at the upper left of the pic). They have also found some rib bones.

This is a better view of it all. It's a picture they had of it up in the dig house. I couldn't get around the kids to get a shot this good. :)

In the Dig House we were told about what the Columbian mammoth probably looked like and how they're different from the wooly mammoth. This guy was a lot of fun to listen to.

Kids were able to look under the magnify glass at many of the things that had been found there.
Then they were shown other bones of the mammoth.
I enjoyed listening and learning as much as these kids did. They were so enthralled but everything.
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