Our Anniversary

We celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary on the 27th. I'm still as head over heels for him as I ever have been. It's hard believe how fast 14 years have gone but it feels like we're still newly weds. I love that our anniversary is during Christmas break. Jaime gets to be home all day with me. I was just talking with him the other day that I never get tired of him being around. I'm always sad when school starts back up and he goes back to work. Tuesday we were able to be together all day and then we went out for dinner that evening. We celebrated our anniversary a couple weeks early when we went to stay at the Cameo Heights Mansion bed and breakfast on the 10th so on the 27th we kept it low key. We went to dinner at P.F. Chang's. Ate so much that we needed to walk around for a while. We were going to go to a furniture store to browse and dream about what kind of new furniture we'd like to get "some day" but never actually buy, but as we were driv...