Christmas Break Musings

I always enjoyed Christmas break as a kid and I love it with my kids. 
Gifts are opened and there's lots of fun, still yummy goodies sitting around, movies to watch, football games to watch, and pretty much just being lazy. 

Aidan's been working on his volcano kit that he got from Aunt Bel and Uncle Chris. 

Walking past the boys' room I almost died laughing. They each needed something on their heads I guess. Aidan found an alternative use for his volcano. :D The kids love these remote cars the boys got from Uncle Marcus. Tyler got the police car and Aidan got the red car. The green one Aidan also got from a second cousin on Jaime's side. They have a family drawing every year on Thanksgiving. So the past couple days I've had three cars zipping around the floor. 

Jaime taught the kids how to play Risk. It's a long game. I'm impressed with their patience and attention to it. It was fun to hear Aidan and Tyler doing the math so quickly in their heads as they added things up. I was in the other room working on a sewing project. It was fun to walk past them occasionally and see them. I'd laugh in the other room at comments and things they'd talk about. 

Tyler got a Pokemon binder from Aunt Bel and Uncle Chris. He could hardly wait to put his cards in the sleeves. I was actually pretty happy with this gift. I'm tired of finding his cards sitting around in different places. I like things having their place. Now his cards have a place; in a binder, on the bookcase in his room. 

Today my dad also had his last day of work! He's so excited to be done with it. He's worked so hard. He sent this picture to all of us. I loved it! Congratulations Dad! I'm looking forward to being able to do more things with my parents. 


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