Christmas Lights

Aidan has been asking to go see the light show for a while now. It's amazing how quickly the month can escape us. I keep forgetting what day it is this week too. I realized I was running out of days before Christmas to go looking at lights so today had to be the day. I printed more Polar Express tickets and placed them in the kids' pajamma drawers. About 7:30 I told the kids to go get their pjs on. It didn't take them long to find their tickets. They quickly got on their pjs and grabbed stuffed animals and blankets. 

As they got in the van I used the hole punch. I just punch in their first initial. Someday I should try and really punch a word for them. Lindsey isn't in any pictures because she's slow getting out the door and to the car. hahaha
I didn't take pictures of lights this year. I liked watching the boys dance and Aidan lead the music. After the light show we drove about looking at lights on people's houses. That trip was cut a bit shorter than we would have liked because someone said they had to use the bathroom. :) But I guess they got to bed earlier this way. ;)


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