My Little Cub Scout

Aidan worked at completing a few more things in his Cub Scout book. At pack meeting he was given three new belt loop awards. 

He's telling about what he did in Adventures in Coins. He was so cute trying to think of what to say when he was asked what he did to earn it. There were quite a few different activities so I think in his mind he was trying to decide what to talk about. He chose to explain doing the coin rubbings with pencil and paper.

Here they are! Adventures in Coins, Paws on the Path, and Running with the Pack

It was a difficult evening. I had just received bad news that dear sweet Pat Flory had fallen earlier and was now in the hospital, unconscious with bleeding in the brain. Sounds like it won't be something she can recover from. She's a woman I truly admire. Whenever I right a card or thank you note, I always think of her. She's always said that she considers Jaime, the kids, and me as family. I'm not sure what we did to earn that love from her but she sure has a soft spot in our hearts too. She sends cards to each of us for birthdays, cards for all holidays, even Halloween. Her and Bill have called to sing happy birthday to me the past few years too. So, yeah, I was pretty sad and had red eyes going to Aidan's pack meeting but I'm glad we went. We need to show him that what he's doing is important. 

After pack meeting I went to a "Favorite Things" party at a friends house. Again, I was thinking I'd be fine to stay home because I didn't want to cry in front of others but I already had my three things to take so I went. Like usual, I am glad I went. It was great to visit with other women, have yummy snacks, and laugh along side friends. 


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