Family Game Night

Olivia is in the school choir and Marimba group. Tonight they performed at the Tri-City Americans hockey game. 

Olivia was excited to play the huge base marimba. She doesn't look excited here but she's busy concentrating. :)

Aidan is enjoying his cotton candy! My goodness look at those purple/pink teeth! Jaime's parents came to support Olivia so while we bought the cotton candy they bought the kettle corn. Yum! Going to watch games and things really is more fun when you have some out of the norm snack. I think most of us were more occupied with passing the popcorn and cotton candy up and down the row than with the hockey game. Hahaha

Their music teacher wasn't there to help lead them and cut them off at the ends of songs because during set up something fell on the teacher's foot. Some thought it looked broken. She was taken to the ER. Later we received word that it wasn't broken but had a contusion. She won't be walking on it for a while. Ouch. 

But with not having their teacher there they did a great job. Everyone enjoyed watching these youngsters play on these out of the norm instruments. 

I couldn't get a picture of Liv singing the national anthem with the choir because they were so far down on the ice, and her back was turned to me anyway. They sounded great. It was a fun new experience for all of us. I'd never been to a hockey game. While I do enjoy watching them play, I really dislike the fights and the refs just standing next to the fight watching. But sometimes they stop the fight and through them in the penalty box. Really doesn't make sense to me. And by allowing them to have some fight time and watch it just tells others that they really don't need to have good sportsmanship. Why is it in other sports like football they stop fighting immediately but hockey it's "part of the game." Yeah I could really do without it. 


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