Tyler's Christmas Program

It was a very snow evening but we braved the storm and went to Tyler's program. He was sooooo excited for this. He's been singing the songs for weeks at home and practicing his part. He got it memorized too. He was so proud of himself for being able to remember it. 

I got this shot of him before it started. He was beaming!

I loved watching him sing this song. He'd clap, snap, and dance.

He was so in to every song. Singing his little heart out. It totally made my heart swell. He absolutely loves to sing. I think I was smiling just as big as he was. 


Reciting his part. Yay he did so well. He didn't talk to fast or shout into the mic. 

It was just a short and sweet 25 minute program. Enough to time to enjoy it and not too long that we were antsy to go. Just the way I like it. :)


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