Family Gift Exchange

We had a yummy dinner and Christmas FHE and gift exchange at Darin and Christy's tonight. It was at our house last year. I enjoy having them close to be able to do fun things like this with cousins. 

Lindsey drew Elise's name. She got her a magnet noah's ark set to play with in church. It looks like something Elise will really enjoy! Lindsey was excited for her. 

Aidan got Makaela Shopkins. She was pretty stoked about that. 

Makaela got Tyler some new Star Wars ships. His face says it all.

Olivia gave Aidan the book Dragons and Tacos along with the stuffed Dragon. It's one of Aidan's favorite books. He already had it in Spanish and now he gets to read it in English!

Elise had Olivia's name and gave her a Shopkins set as well. You can tell Makaela is excited about more Shopkins being opened up. These two enjoyed playing Shopkins for a while. 

Elise is getting so big! She's such a cutie. I've enjoyed being able to have this little family not too far away anymore. 


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