Snow is Here!

I love to see snow. It brightens everything, makes the night not so dark as it reflects light. When walking outside everything is so much quieter because the snow muffles the sounds. And of course the crunch of the snow under our boots is a fun sound to hear. 

With having a school closure the kids were right out in the snow as soon as they could. 

Olivia and Emily - peas in a pod

Tyler was having a hard time playing with the others so I took him in the back yard to play and build a fort. He thought it was a fun idea at first. I soon realized I was all alone and I couldn't hear the kids playing out front. I thought, "Well if no one wants to play with me I'll go back inside where it's warm!" And that's what I did. I'm the mom, it's not cool to play in the snow with me anymore. hahaha

One afternoon the kids went sledding in a gully behind the church property. Olivia is hold a green garbage dumpster lid. They found it out in the field and used it as a sled. It was one of the fastest sleds out there. They all had a blast out there. It was fun to watch them go down the hills. 
Aidan, Lindsey, Sophia, Olivia
Rachel, Tyler, Naomi
Max and Emily


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