Christmas Eve

I planned a very nice dinner for tonight, complete with china place settings for everyone and cute reindeer place cards. Wouldn't you know it, I forgot to take pictures of the table settings. Oh well. Take my word for it. It looked very nice. :)
Dad bought a prime rib, Darin and Christy cooked it. They also brought a yummy salad. I made twice baked potatoes, broccoli, and had rolls on the side. 

I picked up a Diary Queen cookie dough blizzard cake for dessert. It was so good! I'd only had the regular ice cream cakes from DQ before. I love cookie dough. :)

After dinner the kids were ready to act out the nativity while Jaime read from the scriptures. Mom played the corresponding Christmas songs for each section of the story. 

Olivia was the angel, Makaela was Mary, Tyler was Joseph, Lindsey was a shepherd, and Elise was a wise man. For some reason Aidan didn't want to take part in the play. 

How cute is this?

Elise didn't quite get her part but she liked the fun containers for the gold, frank, and myrrh. 
After the program Darin's family left. The rest of us started the musical portion. 

Tyler even had a couple songs he wanted to play for everyone.

I enjoyed listening to Mom and Lindsey play duets.

Santa dropped in for a visit!

He was getting a bit fresh. :)

I almost thought we were going to need to sing I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. 

Grandpa decided he needed in on the action. 
I am so grateful my family came to celebrate the evening with us. I really have missed being able to sing carols while mom plays the piano. This evening was how I remember Christmas Eve as a kid. I love it. :)

Christmas jammies. Shorts for the boys this year. They're really hot sleepers.

I always forget to put cookies out but these two girls never do! I never need to make the cookies though because we always have so many from friends dropping off plates of goodies. The kids were all in bed by 8:30. Aidan was saying they all need to go to sleep and no talking because the faster they go to sleep the faster day time comes! Smart kid!
Merry Christmas! I'm looking forward to spending Christmas remembering Christ's birth and singing Christmas hymns in Sacrament meeting tomorrow. 


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