Celebrating 13 Years
December 27, 2002. Our wedding day. :) It doesn't seem like we've been married for 13 years but it also feels like he's been with me my entire life. I really couldn't have asked for a better life. I remember my uncle Dave asking me some years back if it's what I thought it'd be. It really is! The toughest part of our marriage for me is parenting. I can be with Jaime and never get bored or tired of him. It's the taking care of the babies when they cry, potty training, always packing a diaper bag, dealing with infant carseats when shopping, dealing with kids while shopping, they're costly, cleaning up vomit and potty accidents, the disciplining, dealing with picky eaters, getting them to bed, helping with homework, constantly having to clean up after them...that's the stuff that's hard. Marriage for me is easy, however, without that hard stuff I wouldn't have my kids. I wouldn't have my family. If I had to go back in time and decide to get married and have children you better believe I'd do it again! I love Jaime and I adore the children we've been blessed with. The good times far out weigh the hard times. Family trips are so much fun! They are work but they're fun! Holidays with my kids are wonderful. Playing with my kids is entertaining, sometimes. I can only handle playing pretend for so long. And the best part! I get this bunch for eternity. And that's what this life is all about. Why wouldn't I choose to have a family? Because it's hard or expensive? The eternal blessings pay off for the hard and worldly problems that I think having a family brings. It's just part of this temporal existence where we were told from the beginning that it wouldn't be easy. Being in the temple with my parents and all my siblings, that was one of the greatest feelings. That's what I want with my children some day, but not only in the temple but rather in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Thanks to Jaime taking me to the temple and
being sealed forever, we're on our way there. I love you Jaime.
He still gets me.

My greatest gifts. I can't believe they're mine!
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