Monday Was a Busy Day...but Fun
I had to get a picture of Aidan's letter to Santa. He sat at the table on his own and would ask a bit of spelling as I was in the kitchen. He wants the Imaginext Millennium Falcon. It's actually a Playskool toy but the size of the characters with it was about the same as Imaginext so he groups them all together.

Monday I went on my third field trip of the year. I accompanied Lindsey and the other sixth graders from her school to the planetarium. It was a cool learning video and presentation on the stars and planets. I'll admit, my kid is pretty knowledgable in this stuff!

After the kids got home from school I took them to the library for a hot cocoa with Olaf event. There were crafts for the kids (which they ran out of in the first 15 minutes. They weren't expecting a turn out of half the city to show up.) There was story time, hot chocolate, and pictures with Anna, Elsa, and Olaf.

We didn't stay too long as it was way to crowded but the kids were able to get their picture taken. After the library event we headed to Aidan's school for his 1st Grade Music Program.

My little singer. He knows all the words. I hear him sing all the time at home. He enjoys going to music at school.
Today is Jaime's birthday. With so much going on we didn't do anything for his birthday today. He did get to see the new Star Wars movie last Thursday night, and Friday night! And we celebrated his birthday with family the night before. I don't want to down play Tyler or Jaime's birthdays because they're so close to Christmas but when there is so much going on during that time it can make it hard to get the birthday stuff in. Maybe next year I need to plan the month before to get a good birthday celebration in for Jaime. :) But tonight was fun spending time with the family and then when the kids got in bed Jaime and I wrapped Christmas gifts. Thank you for helping with that by the way Jaime. ;)
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