Ward Christmas Party

I have to admit, having all my kids happy and eager to see Santa is nice. No more coaxing kids to try and get them to sit with the bearded stranger, no more pictures with kids crying on the man's lap. Instead they all go up, smile pretty for the picture and wait patiently for their turn to talk to Santa!

Tyler wants a bike.

Aidan was Imaginext toys.

Olivia asked for stuffed animals...again. Her room has so much stuffing it I'm not sure we can take more stuffed things.

Lindsey wants science kits.

Lindsey and I sang in the program with two other mothers and their daughters. Lindsey wasn't sure she wanted to sing in front of others. The girl has talent though! She could carry the tune easily. She was so timid and quiet during our first practice that the other girls couldn't hear her. I had to explain she needs to sing out to help the girls hit the right note because I could hear Lindsey had it. After realizing that she does have this gift she sung out beautifully and the two other girls were able to hit the right note because they heard Lindsey come in on the right one. 

Celia and Hailey Furness, Daphne Christensen, Lindsey and Lisa Morales, Jessica Christensen
We sang Only a 'Baby Came'


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