Gingerbread House Making
Mom invited us over for dinner on Friday. After dinner we made gingerbread houses. (Cracker houses!) Mom helped Olivia and Tyler get theirs up, I helped Aidan, and Dad helped Lindsey.

Tyler's house was so cute. We were just getting home and he accidentally made his collapse while trying to stick a candy back on that had fallen off. Problem was the frosting was already hard so it wouldn't stick. The harder he pushed thinking it'd help it stick on made the crackers crumble. He was so sad. :(

They're fun to make. It's a fun Christmas tradition but no one really eats them. I can't blame them. We like to let them sit out for decoration and they just get stale. Some candy will disappear every now and then but for the most part, they're just for looking.

Our Christmas count down has begun. The advent calendar I made has truly become what I wanted it to be when I made it. Under each number is a picture about Christ's life and a corresponding scripture. It's the only time of the year that we don't forget to read scriptures every night. The kids are eager to turn over the next tile and read the scriptures. Jaime and I don't even have to remind them. There was one evening Lindsey was babysitting and they did the scripture on their own without Jaime or I there to remind them.

I put a lot of work in to making this calendar. I'd say it was all worth it. It's one of my favorite things I've made for our home.
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