Update On Bel

Bel is incredibly strong. She probably doesn't think so but she sure knows how to smile through all this. The family is still arranging our calendars to see who will take her to which appointments and when. What a blessing it is to have so many family members around to help out.

She's plugged in and the chemo is being infused. She gets pretty sick after the treatments. She's exhausted. Day two is always the worst. She feel nauseated and has bad headaches. She does have medicine that helps with the nausea and she says it really does help. She's only thrown up once and that was because she had forgotten to take the medication one day because she was feeling so good. 

Her hair has been falling out. In clumps she said. Showers were the hardest for her. It's such a hard thing she said to wash her hair and just have her hair fall into and fill her hands. Chris shaved it for her. It was tough to do but she said it's easier now to not have a breakdown every time she showers.

She asked me to make some head scarves. These two are the same and I made one other one. She said they fit her perfectly. I hope they work well for her. I haven't seen her in them yet.
We take time to go visit her when we can. She's not looking forward to Christmas this year. She will be feeling pretty sick on Christmas Eve since it'll be two days after her chemo treatment. Chris keeps saying it's ok. She just needs to stay as healthy as she can (not go out in public and crowded places) so that she can stay on her chemo schedule and get it all done. 
Just as the doctor hoped, since her tumor was so aggressive and fast growing the chemo is have a fast effect on the tumor. Already it has shrunk. She can't see the tumor anymore, just feel it. The two lumps in the lymph nodes are gone too!
It helps to hear the good news. :)


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