Tyler's Birthday

Tyler was up and ready; bed made, dressed, and hair done; first thing in the morning on Wednesday December 16th. To say the kid was excited to turn six was an understatement. 

As I get older time goes by faster. I still think of Tyler as a little baby. I have a hard time believing that he is six. He loves being the baby and says he'd like to stay small but at the same time he wants to do so many things! In the mean time, I take all the snuggles and hugs and kisses from him that I can get. He still has soft baby cheeks, maybe a little less chub in them, but I still just can't get enough of kissing them. 

For lunch I picked up McDonald's and met Tyler in the cafeteria at his school. He was so excited to have lunch with his mom. I was surprised to see Aidan come in to the cafeteria while I was still in there. He was able to come and sit with us for lunch as well. 

Grandpa Morales asked Tyler where he wanted to him to take him for his birthday dinner. Tyler chose Texas Roadhouse because he wanted to ride in the saddle! He likes the food but he wasn't out looking for the food to make his decision.

He was happy to sit at the head of the table and tell the waitress and anyone else who walked by that it was his birthday.

Listening to the waitress announce his birthday to the diners and shout Happy! Birthday!

Then he got a big Yee haw!!

He had no struggles throwing his lasso and yelling 'yeehaw!'

Next up was gift opening.

I love his face!

He was sooooooo excited!! Kylo Ren's light saber and mask from the new Star Wars VII movie.

Saturday night we had a birthday dinner with my family. With Darin's family living in town, and Uncle Dick and Corinne living in town, plus Elizabeth, Lori, and my parents not too far way we have a pretty large family get together now!

Happy birthday to you!

He still can't get enough of cars and trucks. :)

After the party we went out to see the luminaries and lights display in an area of town. There were miles and miles of luminaries lined up in front of the houses and along side walks. People would sit outside of their decorated houses and shout Merry Christmas. Some had fire pits outside and music for people who were walking around. Some homes had Santa outside handing out candy canes. 

It was a really pretty and fun evening.


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