Let Christmas Break Begin!
The boys wore Santa hats on the last day of school in 2015. Off to spread the holiday cheer!

Aidan came home with an award for compassion. He really is compassionate. When anyone is feeling sad or hurt he's happy to help them. I have been told many times by friends that their child didn't want to go to preschool, kindergarten, or primary but it was because Aidan was so kind to them that they would go. This year Aidan's teacher told me that when someone was hurt in class they'd choose Aidan to help them and he was always more than happy to.

Bel had another round of chemo today. She's had a rough go of it. She didn't want to go today and needed a bit of encouragement that she'd be ok. I hate seeing her go through this but for some reason it's trial she needs to go through.
Bel's asked me to give her a scripture each week for her to read. This week I came across this one. Isaiah 40:13. I included the footnotes for clarification of "wait upon." She told me it was one she really needed.
My prayers are constantly of Bel. It's hard to accept that she has cancer but prayers are answered in that it hasn't spread anywhere and already the tumor has shrunk to 2 cm!!
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