Christmas Eve
We planned to celebrate Christmas Eve with Jaime's family this year. With Bel having cancer it kind of changed plans. Bel had a chemo treatment on Tuesday December 22 and the second and third days are always the worst so she knew she'd be laying down and in bed most of Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Jaime's parents wanted to go be with her on Christmas Eve and not come to our house so I was debating on going to my parents but then Bel told her parents not to come to her house because she'd be feeling so yucky and sleeping. So Martin, Diana and Marcus did come to our house Christmas Eve but they only stayed about about an hour and a half then went to go see Marty's family. We didn't open gifts with them on Christmas Eve like we usually do. Instead we just saved them for Christmas morning.
Our home all lit for the evening. A friend gave me the luminaries to light the way. I really like how they look. And I can't believe Jaime and I forgot to hang our snowflake lights along the front porch! We realized it this evening when we put the luminaries out. 

Darin and his family came to celebrate with us. Darin doesn't get home from work till after 6 so they came to have dinner and celebrate on Christmas Eve with us. Fro dinner we had yummy tamales brought by Diana and I made rice and beans. Christy made a delicious jello and fruit salad. We visited after dinner for a bit before Martin and Diana left.
Then we had our traditional Christmas Eve FHE. Lindsey played a Christmas song on the piano and Olivia and I played a duet of The Little Drummer boy.

Then we read the Christmas story. I let the kids play Hide the Jesus figurine and do a few rounds of "hot and cold" as they took turns searching for it. I likened it to our real lives by how we feel warm when we follow the commandments and are close to the Savior and when we make bad choices we draw ourselves further from Him to where we can no longer feel the warmth of the Holy Ghost and become "cold."

Upstairs we went for our gift exchange. Lindsey had Makaela, Olivia had Elise, Aidan had Tyler, Tyler had Olivia, Makaela had Lindsey, and Elise had Aidan. They all loved their gifts! It was fun letting them choose a gift and keep the name they drew a secret the past month.

Then we opened our Christmas jammies and laid the stockings out for Santa. I made Lindsey's pj pants and Olivia's night shirt. The boys pjs I bought on clearance last spring for just a few bucks. I couldn't make them that cheap and since I seemed pressed on time this year it really worked out. Darin and Christy left about 8 to get their girls to bed.
I'll have to admit, with staying home on Christmas Eve and FHE ending earlier the kids got to bed earlier. Which means Santa comes earlier! I get to go to bed earlier. It was nice not having to drive anywhere. We stayed warm at home and didn't have to walk out in the cold to the car and try to stay warm till the car warms up. Hahaha

Cookies for Santa!

A Star Wars bike for Tyler, Star Wars AT-AT for Aidan, Calico Critter families, cozy coup and car rack with BBQ and picnic set. Santa treats them well.
Aidan had written a letter to Santa asking for the Star Wars Millennium Falcon. Looks like Santa had other plans. He gave the rare AT-AT instead. I've never seen it in stores!

Lindsey asked for a new Nintendo 3DS. Looks like she got one.
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