Christmas at the Carousel

I've made more of an effort this year to get the kids out to do some of the fun Christmas stuff in the community. Sometimes it's so tempting to keep things easy and stay home and not hassle with getting them all to find shoes or socks that they were already wearing that day and get them on so we can just GET. OUT. THE. DOOR! And sometimes I don't enjoy going to crowded events but I was determined to go to the GESA Carousel of Dreams Christmas event. They had lots of fun things like seeing Santa, riding the carousel, and crafts. Admission was two cans of food per person. It was a good cause used to donate food for those in need. 

Lindsey, Aidan (back of his head in front of Lindsey) and Olivia.

I got to ride next to Tyler. Even the carousel was decorated with holiday ornaments. You can see them in the upper part of the picture.

There was face painting.

Cookie decorating

Christmas crafts to make.

Letters to write to Santa.

And a mailbox to put them in to be mailed to the North Pole. Lindsey's letter is so sweet. Her last wish is what I wish, and what I pray for. 


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